During this pandemic situation, many of us spend more time at home. Even before Covid-19 pandemic emerged, the current generation spent more time at home playing computer games than the previous generations. So, there are some possibilities that you may be exposed to more particles and pollutants in the room, dust on sofas, carpets, and others that can cause or even worse diseases related to the lungs. Oh no!
Frequently opening windows can help to make air circulations in the room better. However, this is still not enough because there is still a lot of pollution coming in. Therefore, the use of air purifiers is gaining more popularity because air purifiers can clean the air effectively. Choosing which air purifier to buy may not be an easy job for you, TE-ners! But you don't need to worry because Luftqi Filter-Fress Personal Air Purifier can be your right choice to protect you and your family.
Luftqi Filter-Fress Personal Air Purifier is compact in size and lightweight. Claimed to be the world's smallest air purifier, it can neutralize dirty air, odors, allergies, and toxic chemicals and convert it to water and carbon dioxide. Not only that, TE-ners! Using this tool is not complicated as well. There is no need for maintenance, replacement of filters, even no need to recharge the battery. With dimensions of length and width of only 77mm each, this tool can neutralize airborne microbes, fungi and even toxic chemicals in your home with UV-A-LED nanotechnology. This tool can also kill the Corona virus 99.99%!
Now by using the Luftqi Filter-Fress Personal Air Purifier, the air circulation in your house will be fresh, not only that, this tool will certainly help you prevent the spread of diseases! Click directly here for more complete info.
For other innovative products from Luftqi, you can immediately check their Official Website at https://luftqi.com/english