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BenQ MindDuo 2 Plus -Your Little One's New BFF while Studying

30 Nov -1
BenQ MindDuo 2 Plus -Your Little One's New BFF while Studying

To do a lot of homework, it is not uncommon for your little one to study from school until evening. Having a good study lamp really helps prevent children's eyes from getting tired because of course the natural sunlight has gone at night. In addition to tired eyes, it can also lead to other eye problems such as nearsightedness and farsightedness, and even posture problems due to learning with a bent posture.


Many parents must always supervise their children's study time, in addition to reminding them to focus, but also reminding them to sit up straight. Of course, it is very difficult for parents to do other things because they have to always supervise their children's learning. BenQ presents a MindDuo 2 Plus study lamp which is a solution to overcome posture and eye problems in children.

MindDuo 2 Plus is equipped with ultrasonic sensors and PIR (Passive InfraRed) so it can detect the position of the head and remind your little one to sit up straight if his head is too close to the table. This lamp also has a light sensor, so it can detect the ambient lighting conditions and adjust the brightness of the lamp automatically. Cool, right? So no need to worry about eye problems and your little one's posture.

By the way, here are additional tips for your little one. Having a study lamp is important, but in addition to reducing eye fatigue, try to make it a habit to practice the '20-20 rule'. So after focusing on studying for about 20 minutes, look the other way for 20 seconds. This gives rest for the eyes, parents can also do it too!  For more information about BenQ MindDuo 2 Plus, please check the following link. and don't forget to visit the BENQ website to find other useful products at


Happy studying, play hard - study hard!