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360 Camera is Suitable for You to Travel With, What Is It Like and How Does It Work?

30 Nov -1
360 Camera is Suitable for You to Travel With, What Is It Like and How Does It Work?

360 camera is a digital camera that is capable of taking 360-degree pictures or videos with a back-to-back lens.


Have you ever had a virtual tour when you looking for a house? Well, you can see the house in virtual tour mode where the image can be shifted to see and walk around the house. That's one of the uses of the 360 ​​camera.


Camera 360 usually only has a resolution of about 16 megapixels, at most around 32 megapixels. But ULTRACKER Aleta S2C 360 Camera comes with an ultra high resolution of 12k 11520 x 5760 and 66Mp so photos look real, TE-ners! Available with 4 modes: day, night, sport and manual. 3D noise reduction and low light photography which is definitely great for taking photos at night.



There is also an intelligent auto HDR feature that can automatically determine the exposure number and exposure interval to optimize the dynamic range of the HDR photo. Then last but not least, TE-ners! Google street view can also now control Aleta S2C and import photos with GPS metadata, wirelessly.


Well actually there are many more advantages of the ULTRACKER Aleta S2C 360 Camera. And of course this camera is perfect for you photographers who want to create virtual tour content, or for those of you who want to capture photos quickly and with high resolution results. Are you interested? Check the link right here!. You can also visit Ultracker's official website at to find out more about this product.